Jodi Leigh Miller's Journal

Official Journal for NPC Figure Competitor and Bodybuilder Jodi Leigh Miller

Monday, July 19, 2004

My Chinese zodiac sign is the rat.  And I believe it.  I love cheese.  I've been munching on a sharp cheddar cheese yesterday and today and cannot seem to get enough of it.  I'll have to put it down soon and get back in the gym tomorrow because I have more shoots in New York in less than three weeks, and I'd like to look like something other than a little blimp (that seems like an oxymoron, doesn't it?).
Jon Howard is trying to convince that doing the FVF-Vancouver show would be good for me.  I just don't know about this.  I chose to avoid competing in New York in order to get a headstart on the off season and to eliminate any unnecessary stress that accompanies the prospect of competing.  There is a strength portion with an agility course, and as long as a cargo net isn't involved (another common aspect between the rat and myself:  an intense fear of heights), then there's a slight (notice the word "slight") chance that I might trek up to Canada and become one with the curl bar.  Again, notice the word "slight."
Quite frankly, I'm exhausted.  I had some difficulties in remaining on the diet for the shoot this weekend and pretty much failed that attempt by the middle of Friday.  I had to rush to a nail appointment and then rush to the studio to get to Jon, Tim, and Steve, and was there for 12 hours on Friday, six hours on Saturday, and another twelve hours on Sunday.  I spoke about this in the update section of the message board, but we got ten sets out of the three-day shoot.  I don't think I've ever done ten sets in three days!  And I broke out of my shell.  I ventured into unchartered territory (well, unchartered for me).  Jon and I tried a bunch of new ideas and they all worked tremendously!  I want so badly to give hints, but I also want just as a badly to leave the galleries as surprises.  The last set Jon and I did was partly my idea, and the lighting and shadows are magnificent.   Tim and Jon really had to figure everything out while I remained sprawled out on the garage floor (where most of the photos were taken), with only a thin layer of crepe material between me and the concrete.  My ribs were screaming, my arms had gone numb, and my shoulders ached, but watching Tim and Jon try to figure out exactly where each of the three points of light should be in order to create the right glow on my physique was truly fascinating.  You would think that in order to take a good photo, you just need a pretty model and a great camera and finger that can press the button.  Wrong!!!  Backdrop, lighting, positioning of the body, make up, clothes, the ease with which the model moves, and a photographer who can see the image before it's actually taken are all factors.  I really admire the guys I work with!  I guess it's a lot like writing; it takes a special talent to create a beautiful visual with words or images.
I'm taking today off from everything.  I'm so worn out...lack of sleep and lack of a proper diet on top of the long hours can really zap you of your energy.  But I'll be working on getting new galleries to JT for an update this week.  And in August, I'm going to start members' only chats, twice a month!  Let me know if you have ideas for this (days, times, points in the month, etc.).
I think I'm going to take my cheese and plop myself right in front of the television.  I finally rented the third part of The Lord of the Rings and I'm dying to watch it.
Enjoy your Monday!


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