Jodi Leigh Miller's Journal

Official Journal for NPC Figure Competitor and Bodybuilder Jodi Leigh Miller

Monday, October 31, 2005

“When you’re at odds with yourself, it’s hard to create. Sometimes the writing process is as easy as opening up the window and letting in the breeze. And sometimes it’s like chiseling away at a block of granite with a pencil.” (326)

Scar Tissue
Anthony Kiedis with Larry Sloman

I thought I'd leave this as a little food for thought (or should I say a written treat) on this Halloween. I'm going to work as a bunny. Lol! Weird, huh? I'm about to be 33, am a manager in a marketing division of a company, and I'm wearing bunny ears to work. Well, they said we could dress up from the neck up, and I saw these adorable, soft, fuzzy pink ears and pink bowtie (there's a pink tail too, but I can't wear it...obviously, my butt is not part of the "from the neck up" clause), and I couldn't pass them up. I'm not sure how you take work seriously when wearing bunny ears, but maybe that's the point? This never would have been allowed in my old job.

I brought up the quote that begins this entry because I'm about three-fourths of the way through the book. I bought it on Friday and haven't been able to put it down, and it somehow cultivated the creative juices in me because that evening, I sat down and wrote a poem, which my webmaster added to the members' area in the "Personal Writings" section. I haven't written a poem in about a year. It's amazing how one book can do that to you, can open the floodgates of emotions and create this utter need to express yourself.

I'll continue more when I get home this evening from work (hoppity hop) and from training legs and doing cardio. It may be Halloween, but a girl still needs to remain lean, so no rest for the weary.

Have a good Monday!



At 8:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A quote from Watership Down might be more appropriate today!

At 6:47 AM , Blogger Jodi Leigh said...

Which one, Will? I haven't read that book in many years. In fact, I remember reading it, but I know it wasn't for a class. I think it was on someone's recommendation list.

I had brought up the quote from Anthony Kiedis because I had been suffering from writer's block (now I'm just suffering from lack of time...whole different issue altogether, but a much better one than the writer's block), but then I ran across another quote last night while riding the bike at the gym after my leg workout.

Let me set the stage. Anthony and the rest of the band were trying to write songs for their next record, and he was struggling a bit with writing those lyrics. He came back from an outing, and one of the band members asked, "What's the matter are you having writer's block?" Anthony states, "I had to educate him that there was no such thing as writer's block, that writers write when they write, and when they don't, they don't."

I like that reasoning and explanation much more. I told my webmaster that when he notified me that the homepage of my site hadn't been updated since the USA's in July. The words haven't come to me yet. It's like a downpour in Texas. It doesn't rain for days, but when it does, it's sudden and swift and it can last for a few moments or it can drown the city for days on end.

At 2:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

bunny ears? this i gotta see.

At 2:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

bunny ears? this i gotta see. the tail too.

At 10:46 PM , Blogger Jodi Leigh said...

Well, I did capture a couple of shots on my cell phone, so I'll send those to Jon to put on the site (members' area, of course; me in bunny ears is a special, special treat). And one picture was taken of me and two of my coworkers (one had a mouse mask on and the other was a princess). But I'll have to crop them out of the photo. Remember, can't mix work with the site.

At 7:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, Jodi..don't have the book with me at the moment...but the only quote that jumps to mind is the lapine phrase "silflay hraka"...probably not the right sentiment. I'll have to come up with a good one for the book has many lovely sentiments.

At 11:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jodi...

At 8:19 PM , Blogger Nobody said...

It's been months since you've blogged. Where did you go? ;)


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