Jodi Leigh Miller's Journal

Official Journal for NPC Figure Competitor and Bodybuilder Jodi Leigh Miller

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

This is probably one of the shortest posts you'll ever see from me as I have no time at all this week, but I must get this little irritant of information off my chest as well. If I keep this up, I'll have no chest. Wait a minute...I already don't have a! I'm teasing, people. This doesn't mean that I don't appreciate or don't like what I have. Quite the contrary. Anyway, this isn't about my boobs; sorry to disappoint some of you (not naming any names, Smegma).

The woman across the way from my apartment is always on her balcony. When I come home from work, she's sitting on her balcony, smoking a cigarette and staring across to this building. When I make my last meal for the evening, there she still is, sitting...staring...smoking. When I get ready for bed at night, there she is again...sitting...staring...smoking. It's beginning to freak me out. Now, I know what you're going to say. Why is it okay for me to stare at a naked man across the way and this woman can't sit on her balcony and have a smoke and a staring heyday? Well, I only looked once (nevermind that he hasn't shown the goods since then), and I don't make it a habit to sit on my balcony and peer into other people's apartments every single evening of every single day of every single week. Does this woman not have a life???? Aaargghhh!

Okay, I thought the post was going to be short, but y'all know me. By the way, speaking of me, I got my scores back from the Myers Briggs. INTJ, with a very, very, very consistent N (meaning intuition). Y'all have got to take this indicator/test. Please, please, please. And then let's discuss. It's all very intriguing and opens the lines the communication so much more! You begin to understand yourself better and accept others for who they are (except for incompetent drivers...I'll never accept them, and no, I'm not one of them. I always drive exceptionally well! Lol!).

By the way, yes, I'm keeping up with my workouts, even with this course, and I'm giving myself a virtual pat on the back for it.

I'm off to shower and go to bed. Goodnight, y'all!



At 2:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you found a 5 pack a day girl. She probably has problems with the stairs. Ha

This jounal is funny.

At 9:52 PM , Blogger Jodi Leigh said...

Ty, if you think this journal is funny, you should try visiting the inner workings of my brain. On second thought...maybe! Sometimes I'm scared to dig deep inside for fear of what I might! On a good note, I can always crack myself up (even if I am the only one laughing).

Lena, read through the descriptions you find for INTJ's. If they don't sound like fit for you, then try to find individual type descriptions and break it down into extrovert or introvert, intuitive or sensing, thinking or feeling, judgment or perception. If you don't have those questions, I can get them to you over the weekend. Then re-evaluate and come up with your type indicator again and read that new description and see if that fits you better. These are not absolutes. For example, the first time I took the test, I was an ENTJ, but I know that inherently, I'm not an extrovert. I do not derive my energy from interacting with the outer world. It often drains me; whereas, sitting in my apartment all weekend and being curled up in my new purple chair and ottoman and reading or watching a movie (or the completely rejuvenates me.

It's funny; I almost have anxiety attacks on Sunday evenings because I see my downtime coming to an end and I'll have to be around people and away from my homebase the very next day. I went through this every single Sunday during the school year when I was teaching, but during the summer breaks, I didn't experience this at all. And then this feeling popped up again when I got back to a normal work week schedule with this new HR job.

See, I have to prepare myself for the idea of being around human contact the next day. The way I do that is by having my Sunday evening as relaxed, quiet, and alone as possible. Sometimes people ask me to do stuff on Sunday evenings (dates, outings, whatever), and I almost always say no. I now understand why and don't come down on myself too hard for this feeling or choice. It doesn't mean I'm a psycho or need to change; it just means that I need to pamper myself and provide myself with rest, and guess what? Monday morning, I'm ready to get back into the swing of things and head into work with a smile on my face.

As for the staring lady, I'm almost scared to stare back for fear that she might take it the wrong way. You never know these! Ummm...not that there's anything wrong with that (y'all have seen that Seinfeld episode right?).



At 1:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took that test and found me to be ENTP. Interesting read that site is. I'm comfortable with that label. Lena sounds like she's in the gray alot. Which isn't bad.


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