Have you ever noticed that no matter how many times you untangle the wires to your headphones, they somehow end up ensnarled all over again the next time you pick up your Walkman, MP3 player, or iPod? I don’t understand the physics behind this (though I’m sure someone here is going to give me the proper explanation for it); all I know is that it is annoying. So, every workout begins with me undoing the knots that I just undid the day before and murmuring little curses at these dang wires that won’t stay straight. It would be easier to just go wireless, now wouldn’t it?
Of course, the same thing could be said about relationships. No matter how much you try to undo yourself from the person you were tangled with, the wires always end up getting crossed and ensnarled all over again, unless you go wireless and cut the ties.
And that’s precisely what I’ve had to do. In the present age of technological advancement, a forlorn lover has many avenues to get in touch with the object of his amoré. Be it text messaging, cell phone, e-mail, telepathy (okay, I’m smart but not that intellectually advanced; telepathy doesn’t work with me), one can send desperate messages of love, promise, and apologies until either he or his cell phone or his computer is blue in the face (or monitor). And so…snip snip went the scissors and the tangled wires do not exist anymore. The strings to my heart were cut, cell phone number changed, and ability to break my resolve erased. I’d say it’s working…five days of no contact and counting (believe me, in this relationship’s case, it’s a record).
See, I don’t want to have to untangle today what I spent hours (and hundreds of dollars…moving across country the first time isn’t cheap; the second time is even less cheap) undoing yesterday. I hate doing it with my iPod every time I step onto a piece of cardio equipment and every time I want to place dumbbells in my hand, so why would I want to encounter this ugly task in a relationship?
So, here’s the question. Can you really be friends with someone you just ended an intimate relationship with? In theory, it sounds great, and I’m sure it works for the same people who manage to decorate their houses for every single holiday and write their thank you cards for gifts they received earlier that same day. I’m just not one of those people. Honestly, I tried. But all I got were the entanglements. Each time I stepped away and then came back to be friends, I got ensnarled in the promises (empty ones) and the wonderful words (how is it guys know to say just the right thing to get just what they want and a girl’s brain cell power has an outage at that untimely moment?). I’m sure it can be done but most likely only with someone who hasn’t put such knots into the relationship that you need scissors and a new set of headphones to fix the damage that was done. And I don’t like knots (especially when they occur in two consecutive relationships).
Right now the only knots I plan on dealing with are those darned ones that my iPod keeps giving me. See, the idea of a thousand songs at my literal fingertips while I grunt, groan, and sweat is very appealing, and while I realize that grunting, groaning, and sweating can also be done with a guy, my iPod doesn’t talk back, doesn’t make empty promises (except how long it can last…lol), and will only repeat itself when I ask it to.
Now, if anyone comes up with wireless headphones, that was my idea first. I swear. The patent was in my head the moment I caught the headphone wire on my knee while straightening myself out of a kneeling position and nearly taking my head off at the same time (not funny…that was done in the gym and in public; I never said grace was my middle name). So if you’ve made millions off of this idea, I expect a percentage. I know, I know. The check is in the mail.
Ummm...over four hours? Now that's something for me to ponder over. Give me a moment.
Okay...I'm back. Yeah, I know that a lot of the journal entries have dealt with a few of the emotions I've gone through the past few months, but last I looked, this was MY journal...lol! And I needed to get a few things out before I could move on to other subjects (like chocolate and bikinis...by the way, who in the heck shops for bikinis when they're in off season???).
Soooo...I'm reading Orwell's 1984. Would a discussion on that cheer you up? Lol! Or I could discuss in great detail how I started to count out 20 baked Doritos in order to know just how many carbs I was taking in for my fifth meal yesterday, but half of the Doritos were broken, and while I'm anal (no jokes), I'm not so anal to piece the pieces together and try to figure out just how many broken Doritos makes up 20 whole Doritos. Excuse me...baked Doritos (they honestly are as good as the real thing; either that or my tastebuds have been adversely affected from doing competition diets for so many years).
By the way, I do know girls who actually would count out the pieces, so I'm not tooooo bad off, am I? Lol!
Okay, okay, Smegma Megma. I get the idea. Lol! By the way, check out my training log on the members' board for a detailed look at what I'm doing in the gym.
On a last note..."Jodi lottery." Does that mean I'm worth millions? :)
" Can you really be friends with someone you just ended an intimate relationship with?"
Not with people like him.
" Can you really be friends with someone you just ended an intimate relationship with?"
Not with people like him.
Soooo...was that a definitive "not with people like him," or was that an attempt to make sure I understood "not with people like him" by typing it twice? Lol! I'm just kiddin' with ya!
And yeah, I know this statement is true. It just took me awhile to realize it. I'm hardheaded sometimes.
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