Jodi Leigh Miller's Journal

Official Journal for NPC Figure Competitor and Bodybuilder Jodi Leigh Miller

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I did it! I had to come onto here and let y'all know. I finally did a sprint session without a single complaint uttered from my mouth nor whispered inside of my mind. I ran my errands, got home, went straight onto the treadmill, ran a little less than an eight-minute mile, stretched, and headed right outdoors, where I did three 60-yard sprints, one 80-yard sprint, two 100-yard sprints, and the biggie...the 200-yard sprint. I then did three sets of 75-yard walking lunges, and then I got to head inside and gobble down six egg whites with salt and pepper and 1/4 cup of cream of rice with a million packets of Splenda.

It is truly exhilerating to know that I finally did something I absolutely detest without a single whimper, groan, or hint of procrastination. The session went by so much quicker and easier...even almost pleasant (wait, now that would be just masochistic to call sprints "pleasant". I'm not that reformed...yet!).

So, today was a really good training day. Forty-pound dumbbells used for high incline chest press, 25-pound dumbbells used for high incline flyes, calves completely demolished on the standing and seated machines, and 40 minutes on the stepper...and the sprints! I'm hot, sweaty, and hungry, even though I just ate, quote James Brown...I feel good! I even wore shorts today to do my workouts, so I know the confidence levels are being sparked within me (I almost never break out the shorts for the gym, even when it's 100 degrees in Texas).

And let me mention one thing that really motivated me today. Last night, I slipped beneath the covers with a bit of envy directed towards Marcy Porter's legs. I muttered, "It's just not fair; she gets to have legs like that." Her legs are very lean, very cut, very conditioned, with a great quad sweep. I want that, instead of these monstrosities that the judges always complain about. But then I awakened this morning and realized that every competitor has some special attribute that another competitor desperately wishes she had. Tara Scotti's abs are to die for. Nicole Berg's delts are off the hook. Amanda Dunbar's V-taper is out of this world. Tonia Williams' conditioning at her latest show is phenomenal. Monica Brant's quad separation is truly remarkable. Theresa Hessler, back in the day, had abs that would rival any bodybuilder of today's time.

But there are a bunch of girls who wish they had my glutes. My biceps are one of a kind. I'm one of a kind. I began to realize that today and to understand that every competitor has to work extra hard with at least one or more parts of her physique. Mine happen to be my quads, shoulders, and abs. So be it! With the right work ethic, everything will come together.



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