Jodi Leigh Miller's Journal

Official Journal for NPC Figure Competitor and Bodybuilder Jodi Leigh Miller

Sunday, March 27, 2005

What a whirlwind! I moved into my apartment one day and then began my new job the very next day and haven't had hardly a moment's rest. But I'm loving it all! And I have so much news to share with you that I don't even know where to begin or how to keep this from turning into a novel, so here goes. Put on your reading glasses, drink some caffeine, and turn the lights on high. You have some major reading to do!

Let's start with my apartment. It is gorgeous! I'm still waiting for a chair to be delivered, but that's okay because I don't want to part with the money that I'll need to pay when it is ready to arrive. My DSL finally got fixed, so this is the first weekend I've had that I can actually work online without getting kicked off because my DSL and dial up were having some sort of WWE match. Basically, the cable that travels through the wall had some split in it, so Comcast had to come back out and manuever around it. The first guy didn't even inspect the cable, so I spent two weeks without the DSL that I was paying for. Needless to say, Comcast will be removing those charges. Yes...I called and!

I have a million windows in my apartment, and I have to share a funny little story with y'all. You know I'm full of these stories. Before last Monday morning, I used to think that having Metallica blaring in my ears during my morning cardio session was a good enough wake up jolt for the day. Wrong. Seeing your neighbor in the buff definitely gets the senses going. Yes, you read correctly. As I was wiping the sleep out of my eyes and drinking my water before heading out to do my 45-minute walk on the treadmill, I happened to look out my French doors and across the street...into the neighboring building. Now, before I go further and y'all accuse me of being a peeping Tom (or Jane, in this case), are you seriously going to tell me that you don't peer into people's houses or apartments when their lights are on and the windows are bare? Come on now! Lol! I'm the curious sort...I'll admit it. Anyway, I look across the way, and on the second floor (I'm on the third floor...and yes, I was fully clothed, before y'all ask) was a set of bare legs making their way back and forth across the kitchen. A closer look showed me bare buttocks, and I blinked a few times, mumbled, "That can't be," and then proceeded to stare a little harder just to check and make sure the man in question did indeed have something on. Well, he didn't. I know this for a fact. I saw the whole shebang. The full monty. The entire birthday suit. The boy was naked! And my jaw was practically on the floor...along with a puddle of! And that was the highlight of my Monday morning. By the way, it looked like he was packing his gym bag and meals for the day, and from what I could tell, he definitely worked out. I should add a little side note here: the blinds have been shut tight ever since Monday. Then again, I haven't been able to peer out my window in the mornings while it's still dark (I had a snooze button addiction problem this week), so I'll be sure to wake up bright and early and see if this is a Monday morning ritual or if he suddenly became modest and prude.

Okay, moving on, though I'm not sure I can top that story. My department has agreed to send me to Cooper's Institute (where I got my personal training certification) for a nutrition certification the beginning of May. I am so excited! I can't even believe this, but they want me to start a health and fitness seminar for the company. Not only that, they're sending me to a Myers Briggs personality trait seminar as well and if I can manage to pass that test, then I'll be a certified instructor in that as well. I can explain more on that if y'all want. I don't want to bore you with details, but it's basically about intrinsic personality traits that each person has and how to work with different personalities in the workplace. So, I'll be one little studyin' chica over the next couple of months. It was of the manager said, "You better not leave; they're investing over $1200 in you!" I was like, "Leave! Are you kidding? I love it here!"

And I do. This job is amazing. I'm still in training, but I did get to co-teach my first course. It was a web conference class, so I had to do a ton of talking and work through a Power Point presentation, but I enjoyed every bit of it. I was a little nervous in the beginning, but I was that way on the first day of school each year too.

Hmmm...what else? Oh yeah, I'm training! Go onto the members' board and you can read my training log. I put my workout schedule in there yesterday. In fact, I have heavy legs tonight. I'm trying to enjoy my Sunday. I actually got to sleep in today for the first time since moving into this apartment, and I slept until 9:45! I wish I did have more time at home because it's so relaxing here. And I have a million and one things to do (I'm almost not exaggerrating!). I still have pictures to hang up, clothes to hang up, books to unpack. I still have to find a desk. I've been searching high and low and cannot decide what to put along this wall, so for now, my butt is going numb from sitting on the floor with the keyboard in my lap while I surf and type away.

Ooh...ooh! I have one more thing to tell y'all! And it's gooooood!! Lol! Oxygen magazine contacted me via e-mail and asked me to contribute to a column they call, "Resolve to Evolve." I had to write instructions on how to do a proper bench dip and examine the do's and don'ts behind the exercise. Somehow, I came up with two pages worth of information, but y'all know how I! Anyway, that should appear in the August issue, and I'm hoping they'll include a headshot of me. Keep your fingers crossed.

So you can see, I've been a busy little bee. But I'm going to do my best to keep up with the blogger a lot better and write in at least twice a week. Otherwise, the information piles up, and I don't even know where to! I hope everyone had a great Easter (if you celebrate it...I don't, but I still had my fair share of Easter candy during my cheat meal!). Take care!

Jodi :)


At 5:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're settling in to the place. It's funny that naked ape got your attention in the morning. A funny joke would be to write several secret admirer letters telling him how sexy he is in the morning. Then critic his physiology like a drill sergeant. I'll bet the blind stay closed. HEE HEE HAW haha.


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